
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Potato Bread


1 1/2 cups mashed potatoes
4 cups flour (more or less)
1 cup liquid including water
1 1/2 teaspoon salt in which yeast is softened
1 tablespoon fat
1/4 to 1 yeast cake
1 tablespoon sugar

Add salt, fat and sugar to mashed potatoes. When luke-
warm add liquid, also lukewarm, in which yeast has been soft-
ened. Mix with enough flour to make a sponge. Let rise till
light and foamy, add enough more flour to make a dough.
Knead till smooth and elastic. Let rise till slightly more than
double in bulk. Shape into a loaf. When a little more than
twice its original size, bake for about 1 hour.


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