
Monday, December 30, 2013

Ham Mousse


2 cups cooked ham chopped
1/2 cup Aspic jelly, or 1 teaspoon gelatine dissolved in 1/2 cup hot water
1 teaspoon mustard
1 teaspoon onion juice
1/2 cup whipped cream
Dash red pepper
Put on ice for 2 hours, serve cold.

Potato Salad


Use five medium sized fresh boiled potatoes. slice them
and pour over them

1 tablespoon vinegar
1 teaspoon salt and a dash or two of pepper
1 tablespoon olive oil

Add mayonnaise dressing and garnish with large green

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bran Bread


1/4 cups liquid
1 tablespoon fat
1 to 1/2 yeast cake softened 1 cup bran
in 1/2 cup lukewarm water
3 cups wheat flour (more or
1 1/2 teaspoons salt less)
2 tablespoons molasses

Scald liquid, pour over salt, molasses and fat. When luke
warm add softened yeast. Beat well. Add bran and enough
flour to make sponge. Let stand till 1ght and foamy. Then
add enough more flour to make a dough. Knead .until smooth
and elastic. Let rise till s1ghtly more than double in bulk.
Shape into a loaf. When a little more than twice its original
size, bake from 50 minutes to 1 hour.

Bran Muffins without Eggs


1/2 cup flour
2 cups bran
1/4 cups milk
1 level teaspoon soda
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup molasses

Mix dry ingredients, then add wet. put in muffin pans.
Bake 45 minutes.

Cold rice can be added to muffins, cornbread, or
griddle cakes, adding to their lightness, digestibi1ty and
food value.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Cream Dressing


1 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt Butter, size of hickory nut

Let come to boil; pour this mixture over two well beaten
eggs, stirring all the time. Replace on stove and let come to
boil; pour dressing over cut-cabbage and set aside to cool.
Just before serving add- 1/2 cup cream.

Cottage Pudding Sauce

1/2 cup sugar
1 nutmeg and a small handful
White of 2 eggs beaten of flour, stir like starch and boil in double boiler
1/2 cup butter
1 pint of water

Friday, December 27, 2013

Cream Sauce with Cheese


Make a white sauce and when cooked, stir in grated cheese.
Excellent for rice croquettes.

Hominy Bread


11 cups cooked hominy
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup potatoes
1 yeast cake
1 tablespoon fat
8 cups flour (more or less)
11 teaspoons salt

Cook together the cooked hominy and potatoes until the
potatoes are tender. Put through a colander or potato ricer.
Add the salt, sugar, fat. and enough water to make four cups,
and when lukewarm, the yeast softened in a small amount of
the liquid. Add enough wheat flour to make a sponge. Let
stand till 1ght and foamy. Add flour to make a dough. Knead
until smooth and elastic. I1et rise till s1ghtly more than
double in bulk. Shape into loaves. When a little more than
twice the original size, bake about 1 hour.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Grean Pea Loaf


1 3/4 cups cooked peas rubbed through a sieve
1 slice chopped onion
egg, slightly beaten
1 1/2 cups bread crumbs
Salt and pepper to taste
1 1/2 cups milk

Scald the milk, add the onion, bread crumbs, peas and
egg. Season to taste. Bake in a buttered baking dish or
bread molds in a moderate oven until brown — about 20 min-
utes. Beans, mashed carrots, fish or corn may be used in-
stead of peas.

Celery Sandwiches


1 cup finely shredded celery
1/4 cup chopped olives
1 1/2 cup finely chopped nuts

Mix together, moisten with mayonnaise and spread be-
tween thin slices of brown bread.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Tea Cake


1 large tablespoon butter or Crisco
1 1/2 cup sugar
1 1/2 cup milk

2 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons Royal baking powder
2 cups flour

Mix in the order given. Beat whites of eggs separately
and put in last of all. Measure the flour after sifting and use
just two even cups. Put in two cake pans and put in all
pieces of butter on top and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon
over all. Bake in fairly hot oven.

Creamed Ham


3 tablespoons butter
1 gill cream
3 tablespoons grated cheese
Salt and Cayenne
3 tablespoons grated ham

Mix butter and cheese, let it melt, add ham, cream, salt
and pepper.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Nut Caramel Icing


1 1/4 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup white sugar
1 cup water
Whites of 2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 cup broken walnut meat

Boil sugar and water without stirring, until it threads.
Pour gradually while beating constantly, on beaten whites of
eggs, and continue beating until thick. Set pan over hot water
and cook until mixture becomes ground on edge of pan.
Remove from fire and beat in chopped nuts. Spread on layers
and top of cake.



1 cup mashed potatoes
1 egg
1 cup sour milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon soda nutmeg
1 cup sugar Flour enough to make a soft

Break egg in bowl, add sugar and beat well. Add some
milk and soda, the mashed potato, nutmeg and flour.

deep fry until slightly brown.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Bean Loaf


2 cups, cold baked beans
2 teaspoons catchup
1 egg, beaten
Salt and pepper
1 cup bread crumbs
1/2. red pepper, chopped
1 teaspoon minced onion

Combine ingredients and shape into a loaf. Bake 1/2 hour.
Serve with strips of boiled bacon on top.

Ginger Snaps


2 cups sugar
2 cups molasses
2 cups lard or butter
3 eggs
1 tablespoon soda dissolved
hot water
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon cloves
1 tablespoon ginger
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon nutmeg
1 tablespoon vanilla
Flour enough to roll

It is well to mix the night before. Set away in a cool
place and roll out the next morning and bake slowly.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Brazilian Turkey


1 lb. dry bread
6 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups coarsely chopped nuts
1 teaspoon sage
1 large onion chopped fine
4 eggs

Salt and pepper

Moisten bread in milk, add nuts, onion, oil, sage and
seasoning. Mix thoroughly, add 4 well beaten eggs and bake
in well oiled dish for 2 hours. Garnish with parsley and serve
This is DELICIOUS served cold.

French Dressing


1 tablespoon lemon juice or vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon paprika
3 tablespoons Wesson oil

Have oil and lemon cold; beat all together with Dover

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rice Souffle


1/2 cup rice
2 tablespoons butter
3/4 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs
1 cup Sultana raisins
2 tablespoons sugar Lemon or orange rind

Boil rice in 3 cups salted water. Add milk and cook until
milk is absorbed. Put in yolks of eggs beaten with sugar and
butter. Cook a moment, remove from fire. Add raisins, vanilla
and grated rind of a lemon or orange. Fold in the beaten
whites of eggs and bake in buttered dish 30 minutes. Serve
hot with a hard sauce.

Stuffed Egg Plant 2


Cut lengthwise 1 egg plant; take out inside meat and grind
through a meat grinder.

3 or 4 slices bread
A little butter

Salt and pepper

Mix all together, fill skins and place in a pan with a little
hot water. Bake 1 hour.

War Pudding


Take 5 or 6. stale muffins, cornmeal, rye or graham, cover
with milk and when soft beat well and add:

1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon molasses
1 or 2 eggs
little nutmeg
1 level teaspoon soda
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup raisins or currants

Pour into a well greased dish or custard cups and steam
for 1 1/2 hours without liting the cover. Serve in same dish.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Sauce for Beets


1 tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup water

1 tablespoon flour

Boil beets cut in dice, then boil in sauce for 15 minutes

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Drop Cakes

DROP CAKES— Baked in Gem Pans

1 cup sugar
Pinch salt
Large tablespoon butter cream
2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup milk

Put in quick oven and bake 25 minutes.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Croquettes without Eggs


1 cup finely cut meat or fish
2 teaspoons onion juice
1 cup scalded milk
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon butter substitute
1/2 teaspoon celery salt
2 teaspoons flour (heaping)
1/4 teaspoon pepper

Cream flour and butter. Stir in milk, add seasoning and
meat. Cook until thick. Set away in flat dish at least two
hours. When firm form into croquettes. Roll in yolk of egg,
then in bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hominy Croquettes


1 cup hominy grits
1 egg
3 cups boiling salted water
1 cup white sauce

Boil hominy in water 5 minutes, then put in double boiler
and cook for 2 hours. Add egg well beaten to white sauce.
Form into croquettes, roll in egg and bread crumbs and fry
in deep fat.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Corn Bread without Milk and Eggs

CORN BREAD Without Milk and Eggs

2 cups white cornmeal 2 cups boiling water

2 level teaspoons salt 2 cups cold water

Scald meal and salt with boiling water and add cold water
slowly; beat well and let stand over night. P>take 1 hour in a
moderate oven.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Brown Pudding


1 1/2 cups graham Flour
1 cup raisins
1 cup sweet milk
1 teaspoon soda
1 cup molasses
Pinch of salt

Steam 1 hour and serve with nutting sauce.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cream of Lima Bean Soup


1 cup dried beans
1 cup milk
3 pints cold water
2 tablespoons flour
2 onions Salt to taste
2 carrots (cut fine)

Soak beans over night, drain and add cold water. Cook
beans, water, onions and carrots together, strain and rub
through a sieve. Stir milk, flour and salt into the boiling soup.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Scalloped Beef or Lamb


1 teaspoon browned butter

Cut cold meat in small pieces, put in baking pan. Make
sauce from bones and gravy, add chopped parsley and 1 table-
spoon Worcestershire sauce. Mix some bread crumbs with browned
butter and sprinkle on top and bake.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013



1 lb. macaroni
Yolk of egg
Pinch of mace Butter, size of walnut
1 cup cream
Pinch of salt
1 teaspoon flour
Grated cheese

Boil the macaroni 1/2 hour In water in which has been
added mace and salt. Have ready a sauce made of the other
ingredients; put macaroni in baking dish. Pour sauce over
it grate cheese on top and brown in

Monday, December 9, 2013

Carrot Pudding


1 cup grated potatoes
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup grated carrots
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon cloves
1 cup flour
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup currants
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg

Stir 1 teaspoon of soda into the potatoes, flour and raisins.
Grease pail, cover tight, steam 3 hours. Serve with sauce.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Beef Olives


Have a round steak cut very thin, cut into pieces 6 or 8
inches square.

Make a poultry bread stuffing, put a tablespoonful on each
piece of meat, roll and tie with strong thread.

Fry bacon in a skillet, add in meat, and fry brown. Place
meat in sauce pan. Make enough gravy in the skillet to cover
meat. Pour gravy over meat and cook slowly for 2 hours.
A good way to use tough meat.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Berkshire Muffins


1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup cooked rice
1 egg
1 1/2 cup flour
1 tablespoon melted fat
2 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons baking powder
3/4 cup scalded milk

Turn milk on to cornmeal and let stand 5 minutes; add
rice and flour which has been sifted with salt and baking pow-
der. Add egg yolk, fat, and 1 egg white. Cook 20 to 30
minutes in moderate oven.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Uneeda Biscuit Club Sandwich


Butter Uneeda Biscuit, put in a slice of fried bacon,
a slice of onion and a very thin slice of tomato, also a little
prepared mustard if desired. Very tasty.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Potato Soup


3 pints water
1 bunch celery greens
4 potatoes
1 tablespoon butter
1 bay leaf
1 cup sweet cream
1 slice of onion

Boil potatoes in water with bay leaf, slice of onion and
celery greens. When potatoes are soft mash through a col-
ander, season with pepper, salt, butter and cream. Cut bread
in small squares, fry in butter and drop 5 or 8 in soup plate
before serving.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Beef Croquettes


1 lb. beef, boiled well (minced)
1 tablespoon parsley (powdered cold or minced)
1 cup (coffee cup size)
Dash Cayenne pepper
2 slices onion

Let 1 pint milk, or cream, come to boiling point, then
add a tablespoon of cold butter, then the above mixture.

Beat up two eggs and mix with large tablespoon of starch
(or flour) and add to the rest. Cook it all, stirring with care
until proper consistency. Remove from fire, spread on platter
to cool: then make into croquettes — roll in bread crumbs and
try in wire basket — in hot fat.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Caramel Icing


1 3/4 cups brown sugar
3/4 cup boiling water
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs, whites

Boil sugar and water until it spins a thread. Pour syrup
gradually on the beaten eggs and continue beating until mix-
ture is nearly cool. Set mixture in boiling water and cook
until it becomes granular around the edge of pan. Remove
from pan of water and beat until mixture will hold its shape.
Add vanilla and walnut meats. (Never fails)

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tapioca Custard


3 tablespoons pearl tapioca
3 tablespoons sugar
2 cups milk
Orange juice or rind, grated
2 eggs

Soak tapioca 4 or 3 hours in half cup of water. Have milk
boiling, stir in tapioca, let simmer. Stir often till tapioca
is clear, then pour over yolks of 2 eggs whipped with the
sugar. Return to the stove and let simmer till custard is thick.
Turn in bowl, flavor with vanilla or orange juice or grated
rind. Stir in lightly the whipped whites of eggs.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Frozen Fruit Salad


Sections of grape fruit, orange, canned peaches, pineapple
and any other fruits desired. Sweet fruits prepared, also mar-
aschino cherries. Mix with mayonnaise, that has been mixed
half and half with very stiff whipped cream. Put in mold
and pack in ice and rock salt for two hours, or more.