
Monday, February 3, 2014

Potato Croquettes


2 cups cold potatoes
Yolks of 2 eggs
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon onion juice, if desired

Unless cold mashed potatoes are used, 1 tablespoon butter
and 2 of cream.

To potatoes add yolks of eggs, butter and cream (if used)
and juice of an onion obtained b}' cutting the onion in halves
and pressing on grater; add parsley, nutmeg (if desired) a
sprinkling of cayenne pepper. Put on stove and cook until
mixture leaves side of vessel.

form croquettes by rolling 1 tablespoon of the mixture
in flour, to each white of egg add 1 tablespoon hot water.
Roll croquettes in the egg and water, then bread or cracker
crumbs. Cook in hot lard. When croquette comes to the
top it is done.


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